SEO - What is SEO? Why it is important? All You Need To Know

Hello Friends

If you are reading this article than there is no dought that you have a website/blog which you want to rank on google and have come across a term SEO. Well, no need to worry about I'm gonna tell you all about SEO in this article.

Even if you are a beginner in blogging platform and don't know what is SEO then this is the right place where you have landed in. In today's article, I will tell you all about SEO in brief.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of getting your site visible into the results of the search engines according to their rankings.

If a website ranks earlier and frequently in the search engine the more visitors it will gain. If your website has the best potential you can convert these visitors into your customers.

The major search engines out there such as Google, Yahoo have their content results accordingly which is the best that suits the users.

Understand the SEO

Well, let me kick this difficulty out of your way by understanding the SEO. In the simple case, you want to get on to the first page of the search engine and the most favorable reason for this is 75% of the web traffic goes to the result on the webpage. Only a few traffic or no traffic run to the sites that are listed beyond the first page. So it is a must for every website owner to make proper SEO of their site in order to rank it on the first page of the results on the search engine.

Why Is It Important?

It is important because if your website needs traffic to grow up your business then it has to be in the top results of the search engine to gain the required amount of traffic. This, in turn, helps you to increase your sales and providing you more income. SEO is not only about search engine but it also helps the user experience to the website. Let me tell you that being in top position on search engines also helps the users to gain trust on websites.

How does this work?

Well, search engines have their own algorithms that affect the site ranking according to the content, user experience that helps to rank your site on google. Technically speaking there are special codes or even known as web spiders. These web spiders crawl your website to check the content and find links pointing to internal or external linking of the website.

Let us talk about On-Site and Off-Site SEO


On-Site SEO

This deals with the with content and all the other elements that are found on your webpage. The work of the On-Site SEO is to provide search engine the required information about the website.

If in brief, it deals with content, keywords, images, internal linking and other methods that help search engine to relate your content. Remember that the search engine does not read the content like humans.
If you follow it correctly it will also increase the usability of your website.

Off-Site SEO

Off-Site SEO deals with the promotion of the website it may be in any way such as through a door of link building. Backlinks fall into this trap of Off-Site SEO. As they provide you with an enormous amount of traffic also letting the search engine know about the backlink pointing toward the site. 

If the links are coming from well known trusted sites than your site will be ranked positively.

Don't ever try to buy links because this is against google guidelines which will rank your site negatively.

If you do SEO properly it will not only bring traffic instead it will also bring you the costumers who have been looking for your business-related services. You will have to target the right audience while doing SEO.

Website with good content is the king. Good content is content that has been properly researched for accuracy, speaks about topics that are popular and utilizes keywords that your target audience is using to find you. All the information on your site must be easy to read and make you visible amongst the other niches relating your content. It has to be the content that people want to share.

Some of the important terms to improve SEO are shown in the image below

Some Points to SEO Optimise your site

1. Analyzing your website performance

You must always look at your website performance and act accordingly. Website with good traffic will always gain better growth. You must check whether your users are have been using your services or not. If using which are the most used ones. If you are a blogger you must check which of your blog posts have been most viewed by your users and what they prefer reading in your blog.

You can use the tool Google Analytics to analyze the performance of your website. This is a free analysis tool by Google that can be used to monitor your website performance.

Do check for all the referral sources from where the traffic has been entering your site. So that you can catch hold of how people are finding your site?

2. Proper Keyword Research

In the current scenario as seen ranking your content on Google has been difficult due to tuff competition. This is the main key factor that affects your site ranking. Doing proper research will help you to affect your site ranking in a positive way.

You can use the google keyword planner tool which a free one. If you wish to use a paid one you can use ahrefs.

Choose the perfect keyword that suits your content niche. The less competition keyword you will choose the more will be your top position on google.

3. Content Optimization 

Always have a content that is genuine and the one that your users are interested in going through. When it comes to content it is the main factor in Seo optimization. Always see to that all the required content is available on your site such as meta description making it easier for users to know about your website.

Even see to that the images on your website are optimized properly it must be viewable in every device. Your content must be reliable which will give a boost to the SEO optimization of your website.

At last but not the least I would like to say that always see that your site is well maintained so that it may gain ease among the tough competition out there. Ranking your site in today's you may find it a bit difficult but not impossible. Well, it is not a work of overnight and sees your site in top position but it is the work of banging your competitor's boom right away by your excellence. 

If you have some more topic ideas then kindly comment your thoughts below or if you feel like I have missed something in the above article then do let me know so that I can get a new article based on it.

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SEO - What is SEO? Why it is important? All You Need To Know

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