Whatsapp Fake News In India | How to rid of fake news?? | Whatsapp Messenger

Hello Readers !!
Everyone would be aware by now of the fake news that is being forwarded on WhatsApp and all over the internet. In this, I will cover some of the things related to fake news that is being forwarded amongst the Indian users and all over the social media platform.
Fake news spreading over the internet through social media platform is not a new thing nowadays and it may cause serious damage to society and the youth are specially targeted with such new. Moreover, such news must be handled by high priorities in order to stop falling of such news in the society.

Whatsapp Fake News In India | How to rid of fake news?? | Whatsapp Messenger

Somewhere in the parts of the country like India people believe in such fake news more as expected.

A True Story
Once in Karnataka, India three people were traveling in a car as they were stopped at the roadside and there were handing some few chocolates to the children which were a very pleasant thing.

Meanwhile, a message was being forwarded on WhatsApp that kidnappers were lifting children in and around the villages. Some nearby villagers who had been stacked up with such news approached the three people making a big crowd around them making an argument. As the three people got panic and drove away in their car then as soon as they moved on some villagers chased them with their motorcycles.

As the crowd caught up they were being dragged out of the car and being beaten as the said by the eyewitnesses. None of the villagers came to rescue and by the time police arrived. One of the people amongst them had died and the rest were taken to the Hyderabad hospital.

The brother of the dead person said that they had been for a drive and his brother gave chocolates to the children. We don't know what the parents of the children thought that they gathered all villagers around and beaten his brother to death. He also confessed that his brother was a 32-year-old software engineer, also a father of a 2-year-old kid.

Police arrested 32 people for the killing. After an inquiry of them, one came to be known as the administrator of a WhatsApp group along with a women being arrested.

So Always Think Before You Share!!

How to get rid of such fake news??
To get rid of such news we must be aware of whether the news is being real or fake. Now, How to determine Real or Fake?
Well, there are several ways to know if the news that is being forwarded is genuine or not.

You can google such news and also visit various trusted news site that provides news on their daily basis. And if the news is being related to any medical conditions then you can visit various research sites relating to such a scenario.

And what if the news is relating to the political party then you may need to see news channels on television if showing any news relating such time take your time and do the research.Maybe the news is being forwarded by the opposition of the political party in order to take leading political party down.

My kind request to everyone please stop spreading such misinformation.

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