SB Game Hacker APK Android Application Download + Tutorial

SB Game Hacker (APK) is a root Android app that allow us to manipulate values contained in Android app either game on the fly. SB Game Hacker often used as a game hack to change Android in-game value like money, gold, etc.

Because it only manipulate data inside the Android app or game while it is running, so SB game hacker can only be used on offline Android app or game where the Android app or game data is stored in the device, different with online game that stores its data on a server.

And one more request for me, please just use SB Game Hacker ONLY on offline single player full paid Android app / game like GTA San Andreas, Final Fantasy III, etc.

Don't use SB Game Hacker if the Android game / app provide in-app purchase to buy additional items like gold, gem, etc. Because in-app purchase is the way for the developer to get money so they can keep updating and secure the Android app / game future development.

How SB Game Hacker Android app work

SB Game Hacker work by searching value that exist in the running Android game / app, then after the exact value is found we can change it on the fly.

For example we have an Android game installed. In the game, we have GOLD amount of '150'. Then SB Game Hacker could search every possible integer value of '150' that contained inside the game data. But it will not be easy, because there maybe another dozens or hundreds other data that also has value of '150'. So how do we find the right value of '150' that belong to the GOLD? We do a narrowing search.

The second step is we must change the GOLD, i.e. by using / spending it. In the game we buy an item so the GOLD value will changed. After we bought a hotdog in the game, the GOLD now is '120'. So we now have a criteria that can narrowing the search, that is: A value of '150' that changed to '120', and so on. After we have narrowing and narrowing the result, at least three or less result that only match, then it should be the right value that hold the GOLD value in the game. Finally we can change the GOLD value to '9999' or something like that :D .

And one last thing, after you open the SB Game Hacker you can tap the 'gear icon' to access the option. There is "Srch Mode" that has setting to choose value type to search. Some Android game / app like Final Fantasy Tactic store its vital data by encrypted method. So some experiment / trial and error also might be needed to find the targeted value on some Android game / app.

  • Rooted.
  • Backup the game / app. There's always a chance that SB Game Hacker will harm the game / app, though until now I used it there's no problem I encountered at all. Just in case…

How to use SB Game Hacker to hack an Android game (example on Final Fantasy Tactic)

  1. First, install the SB Game Hacker (download link at the end of this post). Open it and don't forget to give it superuser (root) permission.
  2. sb game hacker 1
    (Tap Yes to agree the term and usage, maybe?)

    sb game hacker 2
    (Tap the line icon to minimize SB Game Hacker)

    When you first open the app it will showed an introduction page that written in Chinese, scroll down then tap on 'Yes'.
  3. Run the Android game or app you want to hack. For example here, I want to hack the "JP" in Final Fantasy Tactic. "JP" or "Job Point" is a point that needed to learn an ability / skill in this game.

    sb game hacker in final fantasy tactic
    (The target value is the JP)
  4. Next is open / tap the SB Game Hacker icon to summon it. The value I want to change here is the Black Mage 'JP' which is '210'.

    sb game hacker search mode setting
    (Open the search mode in SB Game Hacker, then change the mode to 'DE' for Final Fantasy Tactic Android game)

    I have tried all the 'Search Mode' of SB Game Hacker on Final Fantasy Tactic, but it only work using 'DE' mode. It seems Final Fantasy Tactic has encrypted all vital values in the game.

    sb game hacker in hacking final fantasy tactic JP
    (Enter the current target value)

    Then enter '210', and tap the 'search button'.

  5. (Wow, there are 50 million data that matched with 210)

    Now look at that, there are 50 million results of data that matched with value of '210'. We still don’t know where is the "JP" value located.

    sb game hacker 8 in final fantasy tactic change the target value
    (Spend the JP so the value changed)

    sb game hacker 10 enter the new value
    (Now enter the new value of my 'JP' and search again)

    Next I must spend the "JP" so the value changed. Here I spend it to buy 'Thundara' skill. Now the "JP" is '10'. Open the SB Game Hacker again, and enter '10' in the next column, then tap the 'Search icon'.
  6. sb game hacker 11 final search results
    (Those must be the data that hold the value of 'JP')

    sb game hacker 12 modify the value
    (Now is the time to hack the JP!)

    Now I only have two results appeared, now I'm sure those data are the two data that hold the value of "JP". Next I could change the JP to its maximum number which is '9999' (I don't want enter more than that as maybe it will crash if I entered more than the maximum value).

    sb game hacker 13 JP 9999 in final fantasy tactic
    (Now my 'JP' is 9999 mwahahahah...)

    sb game hacker 14 in final fantasy tactic
    (And now I bacame a master of Black Mage Job, Mwahahahahaha...)

SB Game Hacker APK Android app download link

System requirements: Rooted Android device, Android 2.3 – 4.4. Not supported in Android Lollipop and up!

-> SB GAME HACKER v. 3.1.apk (971 kB)

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