How to Edit File Extension in Windows File Explorer

Heyyo do you ever try to change file extension on your device? The file extension is the format of file behind the last dot (.) in a file, for example "My family video.mp4" or "GTA SA launcher.exe". How to change the file extension or maybe, "why the hell I want to do that?".

my file ext

Well personally I did change the extension of a file for some purposes. For example to hide a file, 'disguise a file', etc. You can hide embarrassing (yet precious) photos from your gallery app by changing "Myembarassingphoto.png" to "MyEmbarassingPhoto.txt", etc.

Changing file extension on Android is quite easy as there are a lot of File Manager app availlable with such capability to do that, my favorite Android file manager is MixPlorer. But on Windows, there is only one safe file manager which is the default File Explorer program.

How to show and change file extension on Windows File Explorer

  1. First, this tutorial is done using Advan Vanbook tablet running Windows 8.1. So if you are using another version of Windows other than Windows 8.1, there may some little difference on the File Explorer display (probably).
  2. Allright now this tutorial will be faster than Superman changing his costume. Now open your File Explorer app.
  3. Click on the "View" tab on the top ribbon menu.
  4. view file name extensions ribbon file explorer

    Take a look at the right part on the checkboxes area, then tick the 'File name extensions'.
  5. file extension changes file explorer

    Done! Now the file extension should appear on the file name, and when you are renaming a file you can also change the file extension.
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